
What started as the overuse of the pineapple emoji…

How We Got Here

Pineapple Supply Co. started as the simple love and overuse of a pineapple emoji in Slack while working at Unsplash. I used the pineapple emoji to communicate positive reactions and, in turn, I felt more positive too.

As someone that deals with depression and anxiety, finding ways to have a positive outlook are very important. This lead me to a undeniable urge to start photographing pineapples.

What Makes Pineapple Supply Co. So Different

Our Creative Resilience

Good Vibes Only

Everyone you know is battling something in their life. We believe in compassion and we are open to finding new ways to connect with people in a fun and humorous way. With such a large issue with mental health in our society today, we aim to find and make purposeful and random acts of kindness in the world that promote a hopeful, positive, optimistic, golden state of mind. We’re here to make the world smile more, encourage you to take the leap, and stay golden. 



In a world of negative media and Facebook, it might seem like we’re in a crumbling world, but humanity is changing in a hugely positive way. It is important to believe the future is inspiring. We don’t complain, instead we’re taking action on what we really care about in this world. We recognize the colossal opportunity to do what makes us come alive has never been better.



We’re open to the  good things that happened, are happening, and will happen in our life. This means optimism is a choice in our life. We see the opportunity to do our part in making an positive impact in the lives of others through direct and indirect methods. We serve as inspiration to take the leap as practitioners in life and showcase our weirdest ideas in which we’ve found success. We believe amazing things are possible when you don’t care who gets the credit. Stay optimistic.